Friday, June 15, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Okay, first off, I must apologize to you all for not updating my blog for 21 weeks. *GASP* I know! Sorry! But you can all thank Nicole ( for awarding me with a blogger award...because if she didn't I really don't know if I ever would've even thought of posting here anytime soon.

Well, on with the show!

  1. Thank the person who awarded you.
  2. List seven random things about yourself.
  3. Award 15 others with this award.

Thank you so, so much, Nicole!! :) Like I already said, if you hadn't awarded me, I probably won't be posting on here now. Haha

And now... seven random things:
  1. I just recently turned 18 but apparently I look a lot younger... Customers at work ask me ALL the time how old I am. My favorite is: "Are you even old enough to work here?" I so want to tell them (with a straight face), "No, I'm breaking the law. Don't tell anyone, okay?"
  2. I'm a Team Trainer at Chick-fil-A.
  3. My family has two dogs - a Yorkshire Terrier named Snickers and a Rat Terrier/ Chihuahua mix named CeCe.
  4. I'm the third out of six kids.
  5. I quote "Pride and Prejudice" quite regularly.
  6. My favorite TV shows are "I Love Lucy," "The Dick Van Dyke Show," and "The Big Valley." (All older shows but my favorites nonetheless!)
  7. I am horrible at keeping up with a blog (but I think you kind of figured that out already...)

I award...
  1. Mary Catherine (
  2. Melody (
  3. Alisha (
  4. Rachel (
  5. Chelsea (
  6. Talia (
  7. Emii (
  8. Any other blogger who would like to do this :)


  1. haha you should SO say that and see what they say.;)
    Thanks for awarding me!:D

  2. I agree with Emii - that would be hilarious. :) Ooh, the Dick Van Dyke show is amazing! ;) I like old TV one point on our RV trip 2 years ago, for about a week it was raining a lot but we only got, like, one good channel, so we watched the Dick Van Dyke and Bonanza and such every day after dinner. ;) Anyway, great hearing from you on the blog - oh, and I love your new profile pic! :)

  3. awww thank you so much!


  4. I know, right? I so want to do it just see their reaction. Haha :)

    Thanks, Nicole! And, yes! Why can't they make good, clean TV shows like they used to?

    You're welcome, Emii and Talia!


Leave a reply to my post or just say hi! Just please remember to be nice. Thanks! :)