Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Beignets Anyone?

So, today Nicole and I finally got to meet each other in person. We met through Mrs. Rue's Real Life blog and have been emailing for a while. Well, Nicole and her family are on vacation and they're currently staying an hour and a half away from my house. Anyway, it all worked out for us to be able to see each other! So this afternoon, we met up for beignets, conversation, and fun. :) We had a great time. We pretty much just sat (and stood - right, Nicole?) around and talked. Nicole's dad and brothers spent a good portion of the time outside with my three younger siblings. They were playing frisbee and football in the parking lot. And, as far as I could tell, they all had a great time out there. Our moms stayed inside chatting with my sister while Nicole and I walked around aimlessly before finally sitting down at one of the outdoor tables. The beignets were delicious and the company fantastic. All in all, I'd say it was a fabulous day! :)

Nicole and me

Love this picture!

We thoroughly enjoyed our snack! :)


  1. well now...that's pretty awesome.


  2. That is sooooo cool! I read that blog:)

  3. Wonderful post, Sarah!! (Great, now I have to try and make my post as good as yours ;) haha). Thanks again for the fabulous time!!

  4. Crystal - It was pretty awesome. :)

    Talia - You do?! Cool! Haha ;)

    Nicole - No way. Your posts are always well written and seem to flow a lot better than mine do. And, yeah, we had a great time! Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.

  5. You are so pretty. I love chatting with my best blogging friend online. :D

  6. Oh wow! It’s so much fun to get to meet someone in person when you’ve been emailing/writing/calling, etc…. them!


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