Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Praying Against Sickness...and I Had a Job Interview!!

Well, as you might gather from the title of this post, my family's sick...Some kind of stomach bug has been going around. The only people who haven't gotten it yet is my dad and myself. I'm praying that it stops NOW and does not spread to those of us who have been blessed enough to not get it yet! Please pray especially for my dad that he doesn't get it because then he'd have to take of work and right now he really can't... Thanks!

I had a job interview today! My first ever. I was so nervous! I tried not to be but I couldn't help it! I think it went pretty well. I really hope that I get this job and...yeah. The manager told me that he'd call by Friday so hopefully he wants a me to come back for a second interview or he wants to hire me! I hope it's the latter!

Oh! And I just want to add a congratulations to Mrs. Rue (aka- the famous author, Nancy Rue) who became a grandmother on Friday! Praying blessings on her, her daughter and beautiful little granddaughter. :)
I'm going to end this post with the poem that I wrote for baby Maeryn (Mrs. Rue's granddaughter).

Child of God (Written by Sarah Elizabeth- Copyright 2011)
Taking breaths and learning things
Who knows what tomorrow'll bring?
Eyes open wide to look around
Who are these people looking proud?
All of them, their focus on you
Watching, waiting for what you'll do
Time'll go on and you'll grow up fast
Try, we will to make this day last
I stare into your little face
Here in my heart you have a place
You're young, you're sweet, and special too
Lots of people really love you
A child of God is what you are
Wherever you go, near or far
Please don't forget this simple truth
So learn it now while in your youth
Oh, we don't want this time to end
So we'll sit and tell you again
A child of God is what you are
Wherever you go, near or far

Be blessed and have a wonderful day!
~Sarah Elizabeth~


  1. Hey Sarah! It's Emii, from Nancy's blog :) I absolutely love your poem, it's beautiful! And I prayed about your interview, that God's plan will rock! :)

  2. Hey Emii! Thank you for the compliment about my poem and for praying about my interview. :)


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