Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now?

In our culture today, pretty much all teenagers are dating and they have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. They get all caught up in the relationship and put so much into it but then, what happens when they've had enough? They break up! Break-ups can cause lots of pain and hurt and "What did I do wrong?" "Am I just not good enough?" type of questions to arise. When you get into and start playing the dating game, you are saying, "God can't bring my husband/wife to me. I have to go find them." As Christian teens, we need to be using the time we have right now to prepare ourselves for marriage not dating every other person that we see. I've heard people say things like, "Dating is practice for marriage because you learn how to be faithful to only one person." Really? So in marriage, when you've had enough or get into an argument, you can just get a divorce (break-up). Yes, you could go that way but God intended marriage to be a life long commitment. At the altar the preacher says, "Till death do you part." but, sadly, most people don't truly mean it deep down. Just look at how many marriages end in divorce. Divorce isn't and never was part of God's plan. If you don't want your marriage to end that way, then don't practice it now with dating! The old saying is "Practice makes perfect!" but really it should be "Practice makes permanent!" Whenever you do something over and over the same exact way, that's way you'll do every time and unless you put extreme effort into changing, you'll automatically do it the way you've done it for so long. So dating is actually practice for divorce- not for a happy, the-way-God-intended-it-to-be marriage. It may seem like you're missing out now by not dating but it will be worth it in the long run!

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