Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Creation Debate Tonight!!

I have been meaning to post this ever since I found out about the Creation Debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye, but I kept forgetting and now the debate is less than an hour away! I know this is super last minute but, if you are able, go to debatelive.org at 7 pm (Eastern Time) and watch the free live stream. There's also a sign language stream available - which I think is pretty cool - head over to debateliveasl.org to watch that version of the debate.

The debate is being held today, February 4, at 7 pm, at the Creation Museum and the topic of the debate is whether or not creation is a viable model of origins in today's modern scientific era. Watch the short promo video below to get a quick sample of the participants' worldviews.

Whether you believe in creationism, evolution, or never stopped to consider what you believe, you should definitely watch tonight's debate! And if you share about the debate on any social media tonight, please use the hashtag #CreationDebate.

Also, I'm hoping to put together a post with my opinion of the debate topic and a general summary of the debate some time later this week so be sure to check back for that!

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