Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Support Chick-fil-A!!!
If you haven't heard, Dan Cathy (CEO of Chick-fil-A) made a comment the other day regarding Chick-fil-A's views on marriage/family: 

"We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that."

"I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.' I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we would have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is all about."

Liberals and the media in general have taken this to the extreme.. They are saying that Chick-fil-A is a horrible company simply because of their views. This is absurd!

In response to all the negativity Chick-fil-A has been getting, Mike Huckabee has started a Chick-fil-A support page on Facebook. Mike Huckabee also announced Wednesday, August 1, 2012 as Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. If you support family, the biblical definition of marriage, Christian values, and enjoy good food, be sure to go to your local Chick-fil-A on August 1st. And mention to your cashier why you're there! Today at work I had so many customers comment that they decided to come to Chick-fil-A because they agree with Chick-fil-A's Christian values. It was great to see that so many people support traditional marriage and companies that are willing to take a stand on the Word of God.

The event page on Facebook mysteriously disappeared for twelve hours yesterday... Facebook said it was a mistake but I'm inclined to believe it wasn't an accident. This was posted by Mike Huckabee on Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day's event page:
"Could it be we were attacked because of our beliefs? Could it be that Facebook has a glitch in their system with a VERY NARROW target? Who knows if we will ever know for sure, but one thing we do know for sure is that we are back up and running and we need your help to keep this going. We have one week until Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day and that is a long time to get others involved. Don't stop inviting your friends, tell them why it is important to you and get them on board. So we got knocked down, but hey! WE ARE BACK UP!"

Check out for more information.

As the cows would say: EAT MOR CHIKIN!!! :)


  1. I heard about this and I'm definitely going to be there on August 1st to show my support to a great Christ centered business.

  2. Wow, I'm glad you posted about this, because I hadn't heard about it. I'll definitely try to be at Chick-fil-A on the 1st...wish I could be at the one you work at!! :) By the way, did you get my email I sent about a week ago?

    Love and blessings,

  3. Tess - Yay! :)

    Nicole - Aww, me too! I'm working 3-11pm on the 1st! I'm actually really excited about working that day.
    And, yes, I did get your email... I read it like, right after you sent it and I was going to reply later but apparently I forgot.. Sorry! If it works for you, we can Skype or call each other tomorrow afternoon or evening.


Leave a reply to my post or just say hi! Just please remember to be nice. Thanks! :)