Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Please Pray!!

Today has been a crazy day... My grandfather had surgery on his throat and spine. And, while the operation went well, he's not recovering as quickly as the doctors had anticipated. He's been having trouble swallowing for a while, due to a calcium build-up (also called a bone spur) on his spine... It wouldn't have been a big deal to simply remove it but the bone spur caused his spine to fracture and it was also tearing up my grandfather's esophagus. After the surgery, the doctor tried to give him some water but he wasn't able to swallow at all. So, now it looks like he'll be in the hospital for at least 4 days, instead of the two the doctors originally thought. My grandmother is getting worried about everything... and so is pretty much my entire extended family on that side. I know that God's in control and it's all in His hands but, when it comes down to it, it's hard to actually live it out. Please be praying for, not only my grandfather to recover quickly, but also for God's peace and grace to be poured out on everyone in my family.


  1. I will be praying!!! Our God is an awesome God!
    Nahum 1:7

  2. Thanks, Talia! Perfect scripture, too! :)


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