Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Beauty of the Heart

Okay, so the other day on the RL blog, Mrs. Rue was having us vote on what the next topic should be. One of the ones that I voted for was worrying about weight and having to look perfect all the time. Well, after I posted my comment, I prayed about it and asked God to really help me get over thinking that I need to be thinner and prettier. Every time I've looked in a mirror the past few days, even though it's the same person that I see, I'm no longer looking at the outside. God opened my eyes and has been letting me see myself how He sees me. It amazing what a difference it makes! Instead of saying to myself, "Oh my word...I really need to lose weight." or "I really wish I was prettier." I see my God-given potential. Yesterday I looked in the mirror and said, "Wow! I'm really pretty!" and it wasn't with the attitude of 'everybody look at me because I'm so pretty' or anything. It was just like, for the first time I could really see myself as what God has created me to be. :)
I can see myself as loved by God and beautiful in His eyes. What do you see in the mirror?

~Sarah Elizabeth~


  1. Hey Sarah Elizabeth!
    Yay! I'm glad you stopped at my blog! :) I love this post, by the way. I think every teenage girl struggles with appearance at some point...and I've prayed about it before, as well. It's so hard sometimes not to look in the mirror and go "Oh my good gracious...that breakout looks SO RED AND HUGE in the middle of my face!" (I'm sure we've all thought that at some point)
    Anyway, love your blog! I hope we can keep in touch! :)

  2. Heyy! Thanks, girl! I know! I get breakouts around my hairline a lot and it's terrible! I have to keep reminding myself that they'll go away and that how I look is not going to change who I am as person. A few days ago I started doing something which has majorly helped. While I'm doing my make-up and hair and getting ready for the day, I have a song like Mirror (by BarlowGirl), The Memo or Reflection (both by the Rubyz) playing. It makes SUCH a difference for me. Instead of focusing on my make-up being perfect, I'm laughing at the mascara that got on my eyelid while singing about how the mirror doesn't define me and how God says we're perfect because He made us exactly how we're supposed to be. :)


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